Experience the comforting sense of arrival, as the Exchange District’s vibrant central courtyard, which connects to surrounding lush pathways and the European-style piazza, guides your path home. With curated vignettes for gathering, lounging and working, thoughtfully framed views create moments to pause and reflect. EX2 is your sanctuary among the vibrancy of the larger Exchange District community. punctuated with an illuminated glass portal at the top. A glowing beacon
Experience the comforting sense of arrival, as the Exchange District’s vibrant central courtyard, which connects to surrounding lush pathways and the European-style piazza, guides your path home. With curated vignettes for gathering, lounging and working, thoughtfully framed views create moments to pause and reflect. EX2 is your sanctuary among the vibrancy of the larger Exchange District community. punctuated with an illuminated glass portal at the top. A glowing beacon